Wednesday, June 8, 2022

AWE & Grateful Intention


Paying Attention to Your Grateful Intention

Expand your AWE of Grateful Presence

 The greatest present is the pleasant.  Kindly count your blessings as your intention or explore whatever speaks to you.

Other possibilities to focus on are:

  • Live simply

  • Laugh freely

  • Give easily

  • Speak kindly

  • Think calmly

  • Love deeply

Let’s plant seeds of our grateful potential!  Separation creates suffering doesn't it?

Also allow our curses to be transformed into blessings. 

Magical light arises when we pay attention to the intention of thankful possibility giving us new potential and purpose. When we see the world with this compassion and insight –yes this frees us.

WE light our candle to unify with AWE

Awaken With Enthusiasm - fostering thankful intentions.

Let’s chant AAAWWEEE

UNITE with the intention to pay attention to AWE. 

Connect with this power of new potential, via making your dreams reality.


To help you embody any type of loving friendliness prayer like below:

May I be filled with peace, love and new possibility

May all beings in this room be filled with peace, love and new possibilities.

May all beings living and non-living in all directions near and far be filled with peace, love and new possibilities.

Now if you wish to do a longer meditation and picture yourself as you're in a balloon going up and up, extending this prayer call things in this, home, town,  county, state, region, USA, both Americas, planet and universe. All being past, present and future in all dimensions kindly shower with new love, light and possibilities.

After this guided inner prayer, observe everything that comes up.  This attitude of gratitude will free us from the dark hole that constantly challenges us.

 Is the bird in the sky or the sky in the bird? 

Now let’s pair up so we may pray together not prey on each other.

Each person kindly asks the other person the 3 questions below. Also the person who is listening kindly be fully present to what your partner is sharing as a form of meditation.

Each pair please engage in this appreciative inquiry regarding the following questions:

1)  Does this benefit you to pay attention to a specific intention such as gratitude?

2) How can you better respect people, places and thing?

3) Does this ( paying attention to the new intention of possibility) bring you greater freedom??

Keep on keeping on in expanding our positive portal of love - remember we are the change or light beings

After this kindly close your eyes and allow whatever image of your lighting your inner candle. As she told us to say....

If you feel so inspired you can write, draw or use whatever artful medium to best remind yourself to foster gratitude or whatever  virtue that channels your highest power.

Remember- Pay attention to the intention of thankful possibilities.

Explore the power to unite with this illuminating energy as you light your inner candle.  Liberate yourself with an attitude of gratitude.

Awaken With Enthusiasm - fostering grateful intentions.

Let’s chant AAAWWWEEE

UNITE with the intention to pay attention to AWE of thankfulness. 

My intention is to be a living love poem and this is what I wrote;

Move H off Heart, place at the end

It spells earth, your best friend

Listen to the birth high above

Dolphins singing of deep love

Rock, air, fire and rain connect

We are all related one divine effect

Illuminated play with rays cycling

All souls unite, a great recycling

Optimize kindness first letters. OK

Meanness and fear bring us dismay

If your mood begins to decline

Recharge yourself and fully align

Stand with your back to a tree

Its pure energy will set you free

Embody this grace and be still

Engage yourself with this skill

Quiet your thinking, hear your breath

Allow your spirit go beyond death

There is no beginning or an end

All things unite in a timeless band

Darkness your foe and light a buddy

Kiss the soil even if it's muddy

Laugh and love we are one

A cosmic dance and have fun

Circle around the healing medicine wheel

Feel the star-shine and its cosmic appeal

Add up the beneficial ways that respect

Subtract your suffering, do not expect

It's a inside game of showing gratitude

Expanding yourself with a higher attitude

Increase acceptance, lessen any resistance

Expand your AWE of grateful presence

Wednesday, June 1, 2022

Earth Love Poem

Move H off Heart, place at the end

It spells Earth, your best friend

Listen to the birth high above

Dolphins singing of deep love

Rock, air, fire and rain connect

We are all related one divine effect

Illuminated play with rays cycling

All souls unite, a great recycling

Optimize kindness first letters. OK

Meanness and fear bring us dismay

If your mood begins to decline

Recharge yourself and fully align

Stand with your back to a tree

Its pure energy will set you free

Embody this grace and be still

Engage yourself with this skill

Quiet your thinking, hear your breath

Allow your spirit go beyond death

There is no beginning or an end

All things unite in a timeless band

Darkness your foe and light a buddy

Kiss the soil even if it's muddy

Laugh and love we are one

A cosmic dance and have fun

Circle around the healing medicine wheel

Feel the star-shine and its cosmic appeal

Add up the beneficial ways that respect

Subtract your suffering, do not expect

It's a inside game of showing gratitude

Expanding yourself with a higher attitude

Increase acceptance, lessen any resistance

Expand your awe of graceful presence