To foster greater understanding of myself I use my body to be in the now. This adds to my wellness. For example being aware in the moment enhances my quality of life. Also such attention is critical to my well being. Riding a bicycle or driving a car are examples as to why it is important for me to be mindful. As I expand my awareness I discover a new level of happiness. Combining my physical experience with present mental awareness excels my performance. If you ever climb up a ladder you understand why it is important to be aware of each step.
Developing a sense of observing what is going on in the body helps me better understand how my emotional experience changes my perception. Cultivating awareness of body sensations I can observe, instead of judge, what is going on. This is the key step for me to explore broader perspectives. Examination of my body/feeling takes me beyond my emotional stories and that imprison me. Observing sensations can help free me since I become less identified with my narrow mental perspective.
Checking into my body allows me to better see whatever arises. I can experience how my lungs fill up with air and then go down with my exhale. How does the air touches my mouth? How do I make contact with my chair? As I slow down I feel the tingling of my skin.
Also I can see how all things arise and fall. Can I feel a tightness around any of my muscles and let them dissolve? Just watching my experience for several minute shows me how all things come and go like a changing weather system.
Becoming mindful I shift my attention from my head to into my body. Also I set an intention to notice and reframe things beyond emotions. I invite kindness and gentleness in this reflection. What feels better-holding your stomach and chest up or allowing your belly to soften? I become friendlier in whatever comes up.
Taking time to notice things in a bodily way I awaken with this exercise. Examining what arises in my consciousness in the now offers me a sense of awe of how my mind works. Such a attentive being connects rather than separates. Life is about the awe of interconnections, interactions and interrelationships. Mindful attention awakens my world with this skill to use my body to be here and now.